亚当·桑德勒 (Adam Sandler) 在“SNL50”上向《周六夜现场》的历史和已故的演员们致以深情的敬意。 Adam Sandler pays emotional tribute to Saturday Night Live's history and late cast members at "SNL50."
亚当·桑德勒 (Adam Sandler) 在“SNL50”周年特别节目中演唱了一首感人的致敬歌曲,以纪念《周六夜现场》的历史并纪念已故的演员。 Adam Sandler performed an emotional tribute song at the "SNL50" anniversary special, commemorating Saturday Night Live's history and honoring late cast members. 这场表演由杰克·尼科尔森 (Jack Nicholson) 介绍,包括幽默的轶事和发自内心的时刻,为桑德勒赢得了起立鼓掌。 The performance, introduced by Jack Nicholson, included humorous anecdotes and heartfelt moments, earning Sandler a standing ovation. 该活动通过众多喜剧偶像和星光熠熠的观众的出现来庆祝该节目的遗产。 The event celebrated the show's legacy with appearances from numerous comedy icons and a star-studded audience.