南卡罗来纳州提议设立政府效率部,以减少成本和改善业务。 South Carolina proposes a Department of Government Efficiency to cut costs and improve operations.
南卡罗来纳州立法者根据联邦一级的类似倡议,提议设立一个州政府效率部(DOGE),以提高政府效率。 South Carolina lawmakers are proposing a state Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) to improve government efficiency, following a similar initiative at the federal level. 国家统计局的目标是削减支出,查明效率低下的领域,并通过一项法案,提议成立一个由九名成员组成的委员会,审查州政府的运作。 The state DOGE would aim to cut spending and identify areas of inefficiency, with a bill proposing a nine-member commission to review state government operations. 在其他几个州,包括得克萨斯州和新罕布什尔州,也正在进行类似的努力。 Similar efforts are underway in several other states, including Texas and New Hampshire.