纽约市四位顶级官员辞职 Adams市长接到要求 撤销贿赂后指控 Four top NYC officials resign as Mayor Adams faces calls to step down post-bribery charges drop.
四位纽约市顶尖官员辞职 激起埃里克·亚当斯市长政府的动乱 Four top New York City officials have resigned, stirring turmoil in Mayor Eric Adams' administration. 辞职是因为司法部决定撤销对Adams的贿赂指控。 The resignations follow the Justice Department's decision to drop bribery charges against Adams. 在要求亚当斯下台的呼声日益高涨之际,主计长布拉德·兰德敦促市长提交一份明确的治理计划,以展示有效的领导能力。 Amid growing calls for Adams to step down, Comptroller Brad Lander has urged the mayor to present a clear governance plan to demonstrate effective leadership.