EastEnders 以现场剧集和观众为角色 Denise 选择的情节转折来纪念 40 周年。 EastEnders marks 40 years with a live episode and viewer-chosen plot twist for character Denise.
EastEnders正以爆炸性故事和现场直播庆祝其成立40周年。 EastEnders is celebrating its 40th anniversary with explosive storylines and a live episode. 扮演格兰特·米切尔(Grant Mitchell)的罗斯·肯普(Ross Kemp)在返回时暗示了戏剧性场景。 Ross Kemp, who plays Grant Mitchell, has hinted at dramatic scenes during his return. 这个节目最悠久的人物, 比如菲尔·米切尔(Steve McFadden)和伊恩·比厄(Adam Woodyatt), 多年来面临许多戏剧性的阴谋曲折。 The show's longest-running characters, like Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) and Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt), have faced numerous dramatic plot twists over the years. 庆祝活动于 2 月 17 日开始,包括 2 月 20 日的现场直播节目,观众可以在其中决定丹尼斯故事情节的重大转折。 The celebrations kicked off on February 17th and include a live episode on February 20th, where viewers can decide a major twist in Denise's storyline.