尼日利亚联邦工人在1月份由于工资单错误而面临工资不足。 Nigerian federal workers faced underpayment in January salaries due to a payroll error.
尼日利亚的联邦工人由于工资单系统有误,在1月的工资中面临工资不足的问题。 Federal workers in Nigeria faced underpayment in their January salaries due to an error in the payroll system. 公务员联合谈判理事会确认了这一问题,并向工人保证,政府正在解决差异问题。 The Joint Public Service Negotiating Council (JPSNC) confirmed the issue and has assured workers that the government is addressing the discrepancies. 鼓励工人通过其工会报告差异,以协助解决工作。 Workers are encouraged to report discrepancies through their unions to aid in resolution efforts.