Rochester的公共汽车快速交通项目超过预算4 000万美元,共计1.75亿美元,正等待市议会批准。 Rochester's bus rapid transit project exceeds budget by $40 million, totaling $175 million, awaiting City Council approval.
旨在支持目的地医疗中心倡议的罗切斯特链接巴士快速过境系统的拟议投标比最初预算多出4 000万美元,共计约1.75亿美元。 The proposed bids for Rochester's Link Bus Rapid Transit system, aimed at supporting the Destination Medical Center initiative, have come in $40 million over the original budget, totaling about $175 million. 该系统旨在向Mayo诊所雇员、病人和居民提供免费交通,已经从联邦政府收到8 500万美元,其余来自州援助和25%的县销售税。 This system, designed to offer free transportation to Mayo Clinic employees, patients, and residents, has already received $85 million from the federal government, with the rest coming from state aid and a county .25% sales tax. 市议会必须批准3月份的投标,使该项目在今年开始并于2022年底开始运作,增加的费用由州和县基金支付,而不是由地方财产税支付。 The City Council must approve the bid in March for the project to begin this year and become operational by late 2022, with additional costs covered by state and county funds, not local property taxes.