以色列谈判人员前往开罗讨论加沙停火问题, Israeli negotiators head to Cairo to discuss Gaza ceasefire, amid rejection of Trump's resettlement plan.
以色列谈判人员星期一将前往开罗,讨论正在进行的加沙停火,并开始第二阶段的谈判,第二阶段涉及释放人质和以色列部队撤出。 Israeli negotiators will travel to Cairo on Monday to discuss the ongoing Gaza ceasefire and begin talks on the second phase, which involves the release of hostages and the withdrawal of Israeli forces. 美国特使Steve Witkoff证实本周将继续会谈。 US envoy Steve Witkoff confirmed that talks will continue this week. 与此同时,埃及总统阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·西西强调,必须建立一个巴勒斯坦国,在不驱逐加沙居民的情况下重建加沙,拒绝美国总统特朗普接管加沙并永久将其巴勒斯坦人重新安置到其他地方的计划。 Meanwhile, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi emphasized the need for a Palestinian state and the reconstruction of Gaza without displacing its residents, rejecting US President Trump's plan to take over Gaza and permanently resettle its Palestinians elsewhere. 阿拉伯领导人将会晤,讨论特朗普提案的替代方案。 Arab leaders will meet to discuss alternatives to Trump's proposal.