Zerodha的Nikhil Kamath通过WTFund提供赠款和辅导,支持22家年轻的印度创业企业。 Zerodha's Nikhil Kamath supports 22 young Indian startups with grants and mentorship through WTFund.
在情人节当天, Zerodha共同创始人Nikhil Kamath赞扬了年轻的印度企业家,称他们“聪明得多”。 On Valentine's Day, Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath praised young Indian entrepreneurs, calling them "so much smarter." 藉由他的WTFund倡议, 他从九家新创办企业中挑选了22位创始人, Through his initiative, WTFund, he has selected 22 founders from nine startups, offering them up to ₹20 lakh in grants, along with mentorship. 这群人包括来自50多个城市的企业家,他们在技术、新技术和清洁技术等部门工作,突显了印度的创新潜力。 The cohort includes entrepreneurs from over 50 cities, working in sectors like Tech, EdTech, and CleanTech, highlighting India's potential for innovation.