部落群警告联邦裁员可能对印度国家的健康、教育和安全产生“灾难性”影响。 Tribal groups warn federal layoffs could have "catastrophic" effects on health, education, and safety in Indian Country.
部落组织对可能解雇近1 000名联邦雇员表示关切,这影响到印度国家的保健服务、教育、执法和灭火。 Tribal organizations express concern over potential layoffs of nearly 1,000 federal employees, affecting health services, education, law enforcement, and fire suppression in Indian Country. 来自16个部落组织的一封信敦促根据条约义务给予工人豁免,警告“灾难性”对部落社区的影响。 A letter from 16 tribal organizations urges exemptions for workers under treaty obligations, warning of "catastrophic" impacts on tribal communities. 这种削减可能会对依靠这些服务的公民造成“生死攸关”的后果。 The cuts could lead to "life or death" consequences for citizens relying on these services.