Travelers Companies 在投资者活动喜忧参半的情况下看到了强劲的收益和股息公告。 Travelers Companies saw strong earnings and a dividend announcement amid mixed investor activity.
CFC Planning Co LLC 向 The Travelers Companies 投资了 373 万美元,收购了 15,470 股股票,而其他公司也增加了股份。 CFC Planning Co LLC invested $3.73 million in The Travelers Companies, acquiring 15,470 shares, while other firms also increased their stakes. 尽管如此,Asset Management One Co. Ltd. 仍将其持股减持了 1.7%。 Despite this, Asset Management One Co. Ltd. reduced its holdings by 1.7%. Travelers 报告称,每股收益强劲,为 9.15 美元,超出预期 2.65 美元,并宣布派发 1.05 美元的季度股息。 Travelers reported strong earnings of $9.15 per share, beating estimates by $2.65, and announced a $1.05 quarterly dividend. 该股的共识评级为“持有”,平均目标价为 260.47 美元。 The stock has a "Hold" consensus rating and an average price target of $260.47.