瑞士着手将娱乐性大麻合法化,重点是监管和健康风险。 Switzerland moves to legalize recreational cannabis, focusing on regulation and health risks.
在议会卫生委员会以14票对9票赞成提案草案之后,瑞士正在朝着娱乐性大麻使用合法化方向迈进。 Switzerland is moving towards legalizing recreational cannabis use after a parliamentary health commission voted 14 to 9 in favor of a draft proposal. 该提案旨在监管大麻的销售和使用,承认大麻是一种社会现实,同时强调其潜在的健康风险。 The proposal aims to regulate cannabis sales and use, recognizing it as a societal reality while emphasizing its potential health risks. 如果得到批准,法律将管制大麻种植、制造和贸易,而不促进使用。 If approved, the law would control cannabis cultivation, manufacturing, and trading without promoting use.