57 岁的帕梅拉·安德森 (Pamela Anderson) 试图通过在《裸枪》(The Naked Gun) 和翻拍戏剧中扮演角色来拓宽她的表演范围。 Pamela Anderson, 57, seeks to broaden her acting range with roles in "The Naked Gun" and a drama remake.
57 岁的帕梅拉·安德森 (Pamela Anderson) 的目标是将她的表演范围扩大到她的标志性角色之外,寻找更复杂的角色。 Pamela Anderson, 57, aims to expand her acting range beyond her iconic roles, seeking more complex parts. 在《最后的歌舞女郎》中广受赞誉后,她将于 2025 年 8 月 1 日出演与连姆·尼森合作的动作喜剧《裸枪》,以及翻拍的戏剧《玫瑰丛修剪》,上映日期未定。 After gaining acclaim in "The Last Showgirl," she's set to star in "The Naked Gun," an action comedy with Liam Neeson, on August 1, 2025, and "Rosebush Pruning," a drama remake, slated for an unspecified release date. 安德森表示希望扮演变革性角色并证明她作为女演员的多才多艺。 Anderson expresses a desire to take on transformative roles and prove her versatility as an actress.