因偷两只狗而被捕的男子,警方在调查中寻求公众的帮助。 Man arrested for stealing two dogs, police seek public's help in investigation.
一名来自Halstead的39岁男子因涉嫌在11月偷盗一只红小狗和一只巧克力公鸡而被捕。 A 39-year-old man from Halstead has been arrested on suspicion of stealing a red mini poodle and a chocolate Cockapoo in November. 嫌疑人目前被警方羁押。 The suspect is currently in police custody. 埃塞克斯警方正在呼吁获得任何信息,并鼓励公众通过第42/184370/24号或匿名的 " 犯罪制止者 " 来联系他们。 Essex Police are appealing for any information and encourage the public to contact them through the reference number 42/184370/24 or Crimestoppers anonymously.