Macron敦促乌克兰在和平会谈中发挥中心作用, Macron urges Ukraine's central role in peace talks, citing Trump's return as a catalyst for Europe's defense autonomy.
法国总统埃马纽埃尔·麦克隆呼吁乌克兰在与俄罗斯的和谈中发挥核心作用,强调任何类似于投降的和平协议都将是有害的。 French President Emmanuel Macron has called for Ukraine to play a central role in peace talks with Russia, emphasizing that any peace deal resembling a capitulation would be detrimental. 将美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的回归视为“电击”, 促使欧洲负责国防和经济, Macron views US President Donald Trump's return as an "electroshock" that prompts Europe to take charge of its defense and economy, stressing the need for a fully integrated European defense and industrial base. 宏观集团还呼吁就区域更广泛的安全框架展开讨论。 Macron also called for discussions on a broader security framework for the region.