爱尔兰警察在Cavan缉获了价值50万欧元的大麻,其中包括植物和25公斤大麻。 Irish police seized over €500,000 worth of cannabis in Cavan, including plants and 25kg of the drug.
爱尔兰的爱尔兰警方从Cavan的一个种植场缉获了价值50万欧元的大麻,其中包括111个植物和25公斤以上的大麻药草。 Gardaí in Ireland have seized over €500,000 worth of cannabis from a growhouse in Cavan, including 111 plants and over 25kg of cannabis herb. 这次行动是蒙纳汉分局毒品股正在进行的针对毒品销售和供应的努力的一部分。 The operation, part of an ongoing effort to target drug sales and supply, was conducted by the Monaghan Divisional Drug Unit. 缴获的毒品已经送交法医分析,调查仍在进行中,尚未逮捕任何人员。 The seized drugs have been sent for forensic analysis, with investigations still ongoing and no arrests made yet.