火灾摧毁了Stamford汽车车身商店;50名消防员在两小时多的时间内开火。 Fire destroys Stamford auto body shop; 50 firefighters battle blaze for over two hours.
星期四晚上Stamford的汽车修理厂发生火灾,导致大楼被毁。 A fire at an auto body shop in Stamford on Thursday night led to the building's destruction. 据报告,晚上8时55分,消防人员在几分钟内作出反应,但当部分屋顶塌陷时不得不离开大楼。 Reported at 8:55 p.m., firefighters responded within minutes but had to exit the building when part of the roof collapsed. 他们从外面扑灭了约两个小时的火力,一小时后完全扑灭了火力。 They fought the fire from outside for about two hours before extinguishing it completely an hour later. 涉及约50名消防员,没有报告有人受伤。 Around 50 firefighters were involved, with no reported injuries. 地方和州消防员正在对原因进行调查。 The cause is under investigation by local and state fire marshals.