怀俄明州一条隧道发生致命的多车辆撞车事故,造成火灾、潜在崩溃和I -80关闭。 A fatal multi-vehicle crash in a Wyoming tunnel caused fires, potential collapse, and closed I-80.
I-80的怀俄明州绿河隧道多车辆坠毁至少造成两人死亡和七人受伤。 A multi-vehicle crash in a Green River, Wyoming tunnel on I-80 has resulted in at least two deaths and seven injuries. 这一事件涉及一辆载有变压器的拖拉机-拖车,造成爆炸和火灾。 The incident involved a tractor-trailer carrying transformers, causing explosions and fires. 隧道可能倒塌,使救援工作复杂化。 The tunnel could collapse, complicating rescue efforts. I-80在双向关闭,交通经过绿河改道。 I-80 is closed in both directions, with traffic rerouted through Green River. 确切的重新开放时间还不清楚。 The exact reopening time is unknown. 纪念医院正在治疗受害者,并要求非紧急访客远离医院。 Memorial Hospital is treating victims and requests non-urgent visitors to stay away.