欧盟无条件批准Nokia的2.3B Infinera收购案,清除了关键障碍。 EU gives unconditional approval to Nokia's $2.3B Infinera acquisition, clearing a key hurdle.
预计Nokia在购置Infinera公司23亿美元方面将获得欧盟的无条件批准。 Nokia is expected to receive unconditional approval from the EU for its $2.3 billion acquisition of Infinera. 交易已经接受审查,根据消息来源,交易将无条件进行。 The deal, which has been under scrutiny, is set to proceed without any conditions, according to sources. 这一批准为诺基亚清除了重大的监管障碍,有可能使电信巨头推进加强其光学联网能力的计划。 This approval clears a significant regulatory hurdle for Nokia, potentially allowing the telecom giant to move forward with plans to bolster its optical networking capabilities.