在Bexhill,一名妇女被致命刺伤,两人因涉嫌谋杀被捕。 A woman was fatally stabbed in Bexhill, and two people were arrested in connection with the murder.
一名58岁的妇女于2月12日在Bexhill的Bayencourt South被致命刺伤。 A 58-year-old woman was fatally stabbed at a property in Bayencourt South, Bexhill, on February 12. 一名来自该镇的39岁妇女因涉嫌谋杀而被逮捕,一名来自Bexhill的32岁男子因协助一名罪犯而被捕。 A 39-year-old woman from the town has been arrested on suspicion of murder, while a 32-year-old man from Bexhill was taken in for assisting an offender. 警方认为这起事件涉及彼此认识的人, Police believe the incident involved people who knew each other and are asking anyone with information to come forward. 预计这一地区的警察人数将增加。 An increased police presence is expected in the area.