Victoria将鸭狩猎季节延长至83天, Victoria extends duck hunting season to 83 days, allowing nine ducks daily, amid safety and conservation争议.
维多利亚州的鸭狩猎季节将持续到3月19日起的83天, Victoria's duck hunting season will extend to 83 days starting March 19, with hunters allowed to bag nine ducks daily, up from six. 政府引入了新的安全措施,包括对新枪手的在线培训。 The government introduces new safety measures, including online training for new shooters. 包括动物正义党议员乔治·珀塞尔 (Georgie Purcell) 在内的批评者认为,这一决定是鲁莽的,冒着 400,000 只本地水鸟的生命危险。 Critics, including the Animal Justice Party MP Georgie Purcell, argue the decision is reckless, risking the lives of 400,000 native waterbirds. 面对动物权利团体的反对, 尽管由于干旱, 水鸟人口下降了50%。 The move faces opposition from animal rights groups and comes despite a 50% drop in waterbird populations due to drought.