联合王国贩毒者Calvin Parris因参与可卡因阴谋在葡萄牙被捕,被判处12年徒刑。 UK drug trafficker Calvin Parris arrested in Portugal, sentenced to 12 years for cocaine conspiracy.
Calvin Parris, 35岁,英国逃犯,以贩毒闻名,在葡萄牙被捕,因共谋供应可卡因被判处12年徒刑。 Calvin Parris, 35, a UK fugitive known for drug trafficking, was arrested in Portugal and sentenced to 12 years in prison for conspiracy to supply cocaine. Parris是有组织犯罪集团的一部分,利用加密的EncroChat平台安排毒品交易,自2020年以来一直在运作。 Parris, part of an organized crime group, used the encrypted EncroChat platform to arrange drug deals and had been on the run since 2020. 他是他团伙中最后一个被捕和判刑的人。 He was the last member of his group to be caught and sentenced.