两名男子提出诉讼,声称加拿大暂停议会地位是非法的,并阻止关于美国关税问题的辩论。 Two men sue, claiming Canada's suspension of Parliament is illegal and blocks debate on U.S. tariffs.
两名新斯科舍省男子提出诉讼,宣布加拿大暂停议会地位为非法,认为这种行动需要“合理的理由”。 Two Nova Scotia men are suing to declare Canada's suspension of Parliament illegal, arguing that a "reasonable justification" is required for such action. Justin Trudeau总理建议在3月24日之前实行克减,原告声称这阻止了议会处理美国关税威胁等紧急问题。 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau advised the prorogation until March 24, which the plaintiffs claim prevents Parliament from addressing urgent issues like U.S. tariff threats. 政府辩称,该决定不受法院审查。 The government argues that the decision is not subject to court review. 联邦法院将在两天内听取双方的陈述。 The Federal Court will hear both sides over two days.