Trinamool国会议员们与印度总统会面,敦促迅速批准一项严厉的反强奸法案。 Trinamool Congress MPs met India's President to urge quick approval of a stringent anti-rape bill.
Trinamool议会议员们会见了穆尔穆总统,敦促她迅速批准9月西孟加拉议会通过的《Aparajita妇女和儿童法案》。 Trinamool Congress MPs met President Murmu, urging her to quickly approve the Aparajita Women and Child Bill, which was passed by the West Bengal Assembly in September. 该法案试图对造成受害人死亡或使其处于植物状态的强奸罪犯判处死刑,对他人判处终身监禁,不得假释。 The bill seeks to impose the death penalty for rape convicts who cause the victim's death or leave them in a vegetative state, and life imprisonment without parole for others. 尽管反对派支持,但该法案仍未获得总统同意,导致代表团与穆尔穆总统会晤,以加快这一进程。 Despite opposition support, the bill has yet to receive presidential assent, leading to the delegation's meeting with President Murmu to expedite the process.