美国STI教育系统投资1850万美元在菲律宾新校园, 计划于2026年开放. STI Education Systems invests $18.5M in new Philippine campus, set to open in 2026.
菲律宾STI教育系统控股公司正在投资950万菲律宾平普尔, 在菲律宾阿拉班建立一个新的校园, 预计将于2026年开放. STI Education Systems Holdings Inc. is investing PHP 950 million to build a new campus in Alabang, Philippines, set to open in 2026. 八层设施将容纳多达10,000名学生,并提供信息技术、商业、招待和旅游等领域的高中和学士学位课程。 The eight-story facility will accommodate up to 10,000 students and offer senior high school and bachelor's degree programs in fields like IT, business, hospitality, and tourism. 校园将设有现代化设施,包括实验室、娱乐场所和互联网辅助教室。 The campus will feature modern facilities including labs, recreational spaces, and internet-enabled classrooms.