Sony以更多家庭友好游戏(如Astro Bot)为对象, 提升销售量。 Sony targets broader audience with more family-friendly games like Astro Bot to boost sales.
索尼计划在Astro Bot成功后制作更适合家庭的游戏。 Sony plans to produce more family-friendly games following the success of Astro Bot, a critically acclaimed and commercially successful PlayStation 5 game. Astro Bot已经销售了150多万份,并赢得多个奖项,包括年度游戏。 Astro Bot has sold over 1.5 million copies and won multiple awards, including Game of the Year. Sony的目的是扩大其游戏组合,标题如Astro Bot和现场服务游戏,如Helldivers 2, 也得到了重要的赞誉。 Sony aims to expand its game portfolio with titles like Astro Bot and live service games, such as Helldivers 2, which also received critical acclaim. 这项战略行动是索尼公司努力吸引更广泛的受众和增加销售的一部分。 This strategic move is part of Sony's effort to attract a broader audience and increase sales.