科学家发现了一种大脑机制 触发继续的糖类渴望 与肥胖相关联 Scientists discover a brain mechanism that triggers continued sugar cravings post-meal, linked to obesity.
研究者发现 所谓的"甜食胃"的大脑机制 甚至在吃完饭后 也触发了糖的渴望 Researchers have found that a brain mechanism, dubbed the "dessert stomach," triggers sugar cravings even after eating. 这一机制涉及POMC神经元,释放了内啡,产生了一种奖励感,鼓励小鼠和人类继续食糖。 This mechanism, involving POMC neurons, releases endorphins, creating a reward sensation and encouraging continued sugar consumption past satiety in both mice and humans. 这一发现可以通过将阻塞鸦片剂受体的药物与食欲抑制疗法相结合,导致新的肥胖治疗。 This discovery could lead to new treatments for obesity by combining drugs that block opiate receptors with appetite-suppressant therapies.