RWE在Thor离岸风力农场安装可重复使用的覆盖物,以保护地基,减少废物。 RWE installs reusable covers at Thor offshore wind farm to protect foundations, reducing waste.
德国能源公司RWE在其位于丹麦北海的Thor离岸风力农场安装了72个可再使用覆盖物中的36个,以保护地基,直至2026年安装涡轮机。 RWE, a German energy company, has installed 36 out of 72 reusable covers at its Thor offshore wind farm in the Danish North Sea to protect the foundations until turbines are set up in 2026. 荷兰公司《环形封面》的封面由玻璃纤维板和钢制成,可按不同尺寸调整,并可再利用,减少废物。 The covers, from Dutch company Circular Covers, are made from glass fiber panels and steel, adjustable for different sizes, and can be reused, reducing waste. 这些覆盖物以前曾用于荷兰风力农场,并将回收用于今后的项目。 These covers were previously used in a Dutch wind farm and will be recycled for future projects. 2027年运营的索尔风力农场将给100万丹麦家庭供电。 The Thor wind farm, operating by 2027, will power over a million Danish households.