Roku报告记录了1B+Q4收入,在强劲广告销售的驱动下,超过预期。 Roku reports record $1B+ Q4 revenue, beats expectations, driven by strong ad sales.
Roku报告说,其创纪录的第四季度收入超过10亿美元,超过分析家的预期。 Roku reported a record fourth-quarter revenue of over $1 billion, surpassing analysts' expectations. 收入猛增在很大程度上是由强劲的广告销售驱动的。 The surge in revenue was largely driven by robust advertising sales. 该公司在本季度的成功导致其股份价格大幅上涨。 The company's success in this quarter has led to a significant increase in its share prices.