巴基斯坦板球运动员巴巴尔·阿扎姆 (Babar Azam) 追平了哈希姆·阿姆拉 (Hashim Amla) 在 6,000 局中最快 123 次 ODI 跑动的记录。 Pakistani cricketer Babar Azam matched Hashim Amla's record for fastest 6,000 ODI runs in 123 innings.
巴基斯坦板球明星巴巴尔·阿扎姆与哈希姆·阿姆拉的纪录相匹配, 成为最快在对阵新西兰的比赛中打入6000个国际一日 (ODI) 杆的球员. Pakistani cricket star Babar Azam matched Hashim Amla's record for the fastest to score 6,000 One Day International (ODI) runs during a match against New Zealand. 阿扎姆在123局中取得了这一成就,也成为达到这一里程碑的最快的亚洲人,超过了占136局的Virat Kohli。 Achieving this in 123 innings, Azam also became the quickest Asian to reach this milestone, surpassing Virat Kohli who took 136 innings. Azam在比赛期间展示了他平时的稳定性。 Despite recent form struggles, Azam showcased glimpses of his usual stability during the match.