尼日利亚反腐败委员会揭露了44M土地骗局,逮捕了15人,其中包括官员。 Nigerian anti-corruption commission exposes $44M land scam, arrests 15 including officials.
卡诺州公共投诉和反腐败委员会发现了200亿新元的土地骗局,并逮捕了15名嫌疑人,包括一名高等法院书记官、律师和土地部官员。 The Kano State Public Complaints and Anti-Corruption Commission has uncovered a N20 billion land scam and arrested 15 suspects, including a High Court registrar, lawyers, and Ministry of Lands officials. 嫌犯企图用200万奈拉贿赂保安人员,但未获成功。 The suspects attempted to bribe security personnel with N2 million but failed. 该委员会在首席法官和总督的支持下,誓言追究所有有关个人,不论其地位如何。 The commission, supported by the Chief Judge and Governor, vows to pursue all individuals involved, regardless of their status.