自2024年7月起,新西兰运输局从警察手中接管速度和红灯摄像头的管理。 New Zealand Transport Agency takes over management of speed and red-light cameras from police, starting in July 2024.
新西兰运输局(NZTA)正逐步从2024年7月开始从警察手中接管速度和红灯摄像头的管理。 The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) is gradually taking over the management of speed and red-light cameras from the police, starting in July 2024. 在过渡期间,惠灵顿和奥塔戈的一些摄像头无法进行测试和升级,但惠灵顿的几台固定摄像头仍然处以罚款。 During the transition, some cameras in Wellington and Otago are out of action for testing and upgrades, but fines are still issued from a few fixed cameras in Wellington. NZTA已经转让了25台摄像头,主要在奥克兰,并将在2025年接管移动摄像头。 The NZTA has already transferred 25 cameras, mostly in Auckland, and will take over mobile cameras in 2025. 全国有62个高速安全摄像头和47个红灯摄像头。 There are 62 speed-safety cameras and 47 red-light cameras nationwide.