Michael Jordan资助了NC Wilmington的第二间诊所,为未投保和未投保者提供保健服务。 Michael Jordan funds second clinic in Wilmington, NC, to offer healthcare for the uninsured and underinsured.
诺万特健康公司在北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿开设了第二家迈克尔·乔丹家庭医疗诊所, Novant Health has opened a second Michael Jordan Family Medical Clinic in Wilmington, NC, funded by a $10 million donation from Michael Jordan. 7 300平方英尺的诊所设有12个检查室,目的是为未投保和未投保的病人提供方便的保健服务。 The 7,300-square-foot clinic features 12 exam rooms and aims to provide accessible healthcare to uninsured and underinsured patients. 它开放2月19日,从2月17日起有预约。 It opens February 19, with appointments available starting February 17. 第一个诊所于5月开业,已经为大约1 800名病人提供了服务。 The first clinic, opened in May, has already served around 1,800 patients.