马来西亚的PAC调查在复杂、利害相关者重的进程中医疗保险费用飞涨的情况。 Malaysia's PAC investigates soaring health insurance costs in a complex, stakeholder-heavy process.
马来西亚公共账户委员会(PAC)正在调查不断上涨的医疗保险费和私人医院费用,由于涉及许多利益攸关方,这一过程预计会很长。 The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) in Malaysia is investigating rising health insurance premiums and private hospital charges, a process expected to be lengthy due to numerous stakeholders involved. 方案咨询委员会旨在编写一份全面报告,以帮助制定有利于公众的政策。 The PAC aims to produce a comprehensive report to aid policy formulation benefiting the public. 马来西亚中央银行的临时措施要求保险公司在三年内分散保险费的变化。 Interim measures by Bank Negara Malaysia require insurers to spread premium changes over three years. 议会咨询委员会举行了一次公开听证会,并计划举行非公开的会议,然后向议会提交最后报告。 The PAC held a public hearing and plans closed-door meetings before submitting a final report to parliament.