国际商会将2025年冠军杯奖的奖金提高到690万美元,巴基斯坦自1996年以来首次担任东道主。 ICC boosts 2025 Champions Trophy prize money to $6.9 million, with Pakistan hosting for the first time since 1996.
国际板球理事会(ICC)宣布将2025年冠军奖杯的奖金增加53%,使资金总额增加到690万美元。 The International Cricket Council (ICC) has announced a 53% increase in the prize money for the 2025 Champions Trophy, raising the total pool to USD 6.9 million. 获胜的球队将获得224万美元,而优胜者将获得112万美元。 The winning team will receive USD 2.24 million, while runners-up will earn USD 1.12 million. 这次活动将于2月19日至3月9日在巴基斯坦举行,标志着该国自1996年以来首次参加国际刑事法院活动,将有8个小组以团体形式参加竞赛。 The event, to be held in Pakistan from February 19 to March 9, marks the country's first ICC event since 1996 and will feature eight teams competing in a group format.