Florence Pugh的女演员分享了近乎致命的出生和家庭史, Actress Florence Pugh shares her near-fatal birth and family history on the new Disney+ series "No Taste Like Home."
演员弗洛伦斯·普格在与安东尼·波洛夫斯基的新系列"没有家乡之味"中分享了她早期的健康困境. Actress Florence Pugh shares her early health struggles on the new series "No Taste Like Home" with Antoni Porowski. 她透露,由于呼吸问题,她不可能存活下来。 She reveals she was not expected to survive birth due to breathing issues. 她的曾祖母佛罗伦萨·普格(Florence Pugh)4岁时可能死于肺结核。 The show, exploring celebrities' family histories through cooking, also uncovers that her great-great-great-grandmother, Florence Pugh, died at age four likely from tuberculosis. 该系列以亨利·戈尔丁、奥克瓦菲纳和伊萨·雷(Issa Rae)等其他明星为主角,于2月24日在迪士尼+首映。 The series, featuring other stars like Henry Golding, Awkwafina, and Issa Rae, premieres on Disney+ on February 24.