Angela Dugalić成为本赛季队最优秀的运动员。 UCLA player Angela Dugalić emerges as team’s most-improved athlete this season.
安吉拉·杜加利奇(Angela Dugalić), 23岁, 加州大学洛杉矶分校五年级球员, Angela Dugalić, a 23-year-old fifth-year player at UCLA, has become the team’s most-improved player this season. Dugalić曾与助理教练Soh Matsuura合作, 强化她的决策和本能。 After previous struggles with overthinking and injuries, Dugalić worked with assistant coach Soh Matsuura to enhance her decision-making and playing instincts. 她改善了情绪稳定,新队友进行了健康的竞争,为她的成功作出了贡献。 Her improved emotional stability and the healthy competition from new teammates contributed to her success. Dugalis在塞尔维亚国家队的经历也帮助她提高技能。 Dugalić’s experience with the Serbian National Team also helped her refine her skills.