两人承认从一个保留地偷一艘滑雪艇,面临长达5年的监禁。 Two individuals admit to stealing a ski boat from a reservation, facing up to five years in prison.
两人,Tiffany Rae Morris和Levi Jacques Carl Johnson,承认从黑脚印地安保留地的一处地产上偷窃了一艘滑雪船和拖车。 Two individuals, Tiffany Rae Morris and Levi Jacques Carl Johnson, admitted to stealing a ski boat and trailer from a property on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Morris和Johnson已认罪在印度国境内盗窃,并面临长达五年的监禁和250 000美元的罚款。 Morris and Johnson have pleaded guilty to theft within Indian Country and face up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. 这艘滑雪船是2007年Ski-doo Challenger 180号船,价值超过1 000美元,被弃置,后来被收回。 The ski boat, a 2007 Ski-doo Challenger 180 valued over $1,000, was abandoned and later recovered. 判刑时间定在6月25日 Sentencing is set for June 25.