南非在批评者推动混合供资模式时, 辩论新的全民医保计划。 South Africa debates new universal healthcare plan as critics push for a mixed funding model.
南非卫生部长Aaron Motsoaledi为《国家健康保险法》辩护,该法旨在提供全民健康保险。 South Africa's Health Minister, Aaron Motsoaledi, defended the National Health Insurance (NHI) Act, aiming to provide universal healthcare coverage. 然而,全民医保联盟(UHAC)认为,NHI是行不通的,它提出了一个混合供资模式,将医疗计划缴款和一般税结合起来。 However, the Universal Healthcare Access Coalition (UHAC) argues the NHI is unworkable and has proposed a mixed funding model combining medical scheme contributions and general taxes. 各政党之间关于NHI的辩论仍在继续,对NHI的执行情况和对目前保健系统的影响感到关切。 The debate over the NHI continues between political parties, with concerns over its implementation and impact on current healthcare systems.