Omaha警察逮捕了67岁的Abdulmalik Husain, 1979年冷酷地谋杀了一名母亲和儿子。 Omaha police arrest 67-year-old Abdulmalik Husain in 1979 cold case murder of a mother and son.
Omaha警察逮捕了67岁的Abdulmalik Husain,涉嫌1979年谋杀26岁的Derushia Matthews和她的儿子Kamal,其尸体于1979年4月24日在家中找到。 Omaha police have arrested 67-year-old Abdulmalik Husain in connection with the 1979 murders of Deroshia Matthews, 26, and her son Kamal, 7, whose bodies were found in their home on April 24, 1979. Husain,前称Louis Walker,通过最近进行的DNA测试和这些年来收集的其他证据被查明身份。 Husain, formerly known as Louis Walker, was identified through recent DNA testing and other evidence gathered over the years. 这次逮捕标志着一个数十年之久的寒冷案件的重大突破。 This arrest marks a significant breakthrough in a decades-old cold case.