新西兰部长计划通过引入第三大超市来促进竞争。 New Zealand minister plans to boost competition by introducing a third major supermarket.
新西兰经济增长部长尼古拉·威利斯希望介绍第三大超市零售商,以增加竞争,并可能降低杂货价格。 New Zealand's Minister of Economic Growth, Nicola Willis, wants to introduce a third major supermarket retailer to increase competition and potentially lower grocery prices. 目前,市场以伍尔沃思和食品为主。 Currently, the market is dominated by Woolworths and Foodstuffs. Willis计划减轻监管障碍,协助潜在新进入者获得土地和资本。 Willis plans to ease regulatory barriers and assist potential new entrants with land and capital access. 尽管她没有承诺作出具体改变,但她强调她愿意向新的竞争者提供特别支持,以使新西兰的购物者受益。 Despite not committing to specific changes, she emphasized her willingness to provide special support to new competitors, aiming to benefit New Zealand shoppers.