一名失踪妇女在纽约市的地铁上分娩;乘客帮助接生婴儿。 A missing woman gave birth on a New York City subway; passengers helped deliver the baby.
一名25岁的妇女,被确定为Jenny Saint Pierre, 先前据报失踪,她在《先驱广场》附近的纽约市地铁列车上生了一名女婴。 A 25-year-old woman, identified as Jenny Saint Pierre, who was previously reported missing, gave birth to a baby girl on a New York City subway train near Herald Square. 乘客在运送期间得到协助,其中一人用小刀割断了腹电线。 Passengers assisted during the delivery, with one using a pocket knife to cut the umbilical cord. 母亲和婴儿均以稳定状态被送往贝尔维尤医院。 Both mother and baby were taken to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition. 这起事件凸显了在公共交通途中出生的罕见但并非前所未有的情况。 The incident highlights rare but not unprecedented occurrences of births on public transit.