一项集体诉讼指控Johnson & Johnson在新西兰、非盟、加拿大和美国出售低效冷藏药品。 A class action lawsuit alleges Johnson & Johnson sold ineffective cold medicines in NZ, AU, Canada, and the U.S.
新西兰对Johnson & Johnson提起了集体诉讼,指控过去20年来销售含有苯丙胺的低效冷冻和流感药品。 A class action lawsuit has been filed in New Zealand against Johnson & Johnson, alleging the sale of ineffective cold and flu medicines containing phenylephrine over the past 20 years. 也在澳大利亚提起的诉讼声称,公司误导了消费者,因为越来越多的证据表明,如果口头提出,成分是无效的。 The lawsuit, also filed in Australia, claims the company misled consumers as growing evidence suggests the ingredient is ineffective when taken orally. 在加拿大和美国也提起过类似的诉讼。 Similar lawsuits have been filed in Canada and the U.S. 这一案件由Omni Bridgeway公司资助,可能是新西兰历史上最大的集体诉讼。 The case, funded by Omni Bridgeway, could be the largest class action in New Zealand's history.