中国科学家发现了1.5亿年前的鸟类化石, 这表明鸟类的进化比已知的要早。 Chinese scientists discover 150-million-year-old bird fossil, suggesting birds evolved earlier than known.
中国科学家发现了1亿5千万年前的鸟类化石 叫做巴米诺尼斯赞亨森底斯, 这表明鸟类的进化比之前的想象更早。 Scientists in China have unearthed a 150-million-year-old bird fossil named Baminornis zhenghensis, suggesting birds evolved earlier than previously thought. 这一发现表明,Baminornis的大小与相似,尾巴短,比以前被认为是已知最老的鸟类Archeopteryx更好。 This discovery indicates that Baminornis, similar in size to a quail, had a short tail and was a better flyer than Archaeopteryx, previously considered the oldest known bird. 这颗在福建省发现的化石 揭示了早期鸟类进化 以及它们与恐龙的共存 The fossil, found in Fujian Province, provides insights into early bird evolution and their coexistence with dinosaurs.