非行行长Akinwumi Adesina否认计划竞选2027年尼日利亚总统。 AfDB President Akinwumi Adesina denies plans to run for Nigeria's presidency in 2027.
非洲开发银行行长Akinwumi Adesina否认他打算竞选2027年尼日利亚总统。 African Development Bank President Akinwumi Adesina denied reports suggesting he intends to run for Nigeria's presidency in 2027. 他在最近的电视采访中的评论引发了猜测,但他澄清说,他没有说他将竞选总统。 His comments in a recent TV interview sparked speculation, but he clarified that he did not state he would run for president. Adesina说,他可以在全球或在本国担任任何职务,但他强调,他目前在非洲开发银行中的职责使他无法考虑政治竞选。 Adesina said he is available to serve in any capacity, globally or in his home country, but emphasized his current responsibilities at AfDB prevent him from considering a political run.