ZZ Top 的 Billy Gibbons 将担任亚特兰大赛车场 Ambetter Health 400 的大元帅。 ZZ Top's Billy Gibbons to serve as grand marshal at Atlanta Motor Speedway's Ambetter Health 400.
ZZ Top 的吉他手 Billy F Gibbons 将于 2 月 23 日在亚特兰大赛车场担任 Ambetter Health 400 NASCAR 比赛的大元帅。 ZZ Top's guitarist, Billy F Gibbons, will serve as the grand marshal for the Ambetter Health 400 NASCAR race at Atlanta Motor Speedway on February 23. 他将宣布著名的比赛开始,“车手们,发动你们的引擎。 He will declare the famous race start, "Drivers, start your engines." Gibbons 目前正在与他的乐队 BFGs 一起巡演,ZZ Top 将于 3 月 5 日开始他们的巡演。 Gibbons is currently touring with his band, the BFGs, and ZZ Top will start their tour on March 5. 比赛门票可在 AtlantaMotorSpeedway.com 购买。 Tickets for the race can be purchased at AtlantaMotorSpeedway.com.