津巴布韦开始对前白人农民和投资者没收的土地进行补偿,今年拨款2,000万美元。 Zimbabwe begins compensating former white farmers and investors for seized land, allocating $20 million this year.
津巴布韦政府已开始补偿在2000年土地改革方案期间被没收土地的前白人农民和外国投资者。 Zimbabwe's government has started compensating former white farmers and foreign investors whose land was seized during the 2000 land reform program. 财政部长Mthuli Ncube宣布今年的付款预算为2 000万美元, Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube announced a $20 million budget for this year's payouts, part of a total owed of $146 million. 根据双边投资保护和促进协定,补偿涉及来自几个欧洲国家的农民。 The compensation, under Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion Agreements, involves farmers from several European countries. 外交官们欢迎这一举动,认为这是建立信任和恢复投资者信心的一步。 Diplomats welcomed the move, seen as a step to build trust and restore investor confidence.