文特诺市议会提高税收,以资助海滩安全,同时考虑到未来的救生员选择。 Ventnor Town Council raises taxes to fund beach safety, considering future lifeguard options.
联合王国文特诺尔市议会已决定保留文特诺尔海滩安全项目,提供急救、救援和咨询服务,使理事会对D级家庭的税收增加2.68%,即每周增加47p。 The Ventnor Town Council in the UK has decided to keep the Ventnor Beach safety project, which offers first aid, rescue, and advice services, leading to a 2.68% increase in Council Tax for Band D households, or an extra 47p per week. 该项目将使理事会为2025/26年预算追加13 000英镑的费用。 The project will cost the council an additional £13,000 for the 2025/26 budget. 该理事会计划就是否利用志愿人员领导或经过培训的救生员选择扩大服务范围的问题征求公众的意见。 The council plans to consult the public on whether to extend the service with volunteer-led or trained lifeguard options.