美国公开赛将混合双打赛进行改造, 奖金增加, 形式改变以增加对比赛的兴趣. U.S. Open revamps mixed doubles with bigger prize, format changes to boost interest.
美国公开赛正在对混合双打比赛进行大修, 将比赛移至单打赛前一周, The U.S. Open is overhauling its mixed doubles competition by moving it to the week before the singles event and offering a $1 million prize to draw top players. 新的形式是16个队,采用“快速四”的简短形式,旨在激发球迷的兴趣,将比赛时间延长至三周。 The new format, featuring 16 teams in a "Fast Four" short set format, aims to boost fan interest and extend the tournament's duration to three weeks. 比赛将在主要体育场举行,并在黄金时间进行电视转播。 Matches will be held in main stadiums and televised in prime time. 尽管网球界的一些人提出批评, USTA希望这些变化将凸显混合的双人组合, 吸引更多观众。 Despite criticism from some in tennis, the USTA hopes the changes will highlight mixed doubles and attract larger audiences.