Tesla在中国因起诉批评者、在政府支持下胜诉, Tesla faces backlash in China for suing critics, winning most cases with government backing.
Tesla在起诉指控这家公司汽车有缺陷的顾客和记者后, 在中国遭到批评, Tesla has faced criticism in China after suing customers and journalists who accused the company of car defects, winning nearly all cases. 一个法院命令张雅州支付超过23 000美元并道歉, 因为她在事故后公开批评特斯拉的刹车。 A court ordered Zhang Yazhou to pay over $23,000 and apologize after she publicly criticized Tesla's brakes following an accident. 特斯拉至少起诉6名汽车所有者和6名批评者, Tesla has sued at least six car owners and six critics, benefiting from support of Chinese officials and favorable regulatory treatment. 汽车制造商在法律纠纷方面的成功突显了它的巨大影响力和与中国政府的密切联系。 The automaker's success in legal disputes highlights its significant influence and close ties with the Chinese government.