狗在主人指着物体时发现食物的速度更快. Study shows dogs find treats faster when owners point and stare at the object.
来自维也纳兽医大学的研究人员发现,当所有者同时指向和盯着物体时,狗最能遵循方向。 Researchers from the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna found that dogs follow directions best when owners combine pointing and staring at an object. 该研究表明,对20只狗使用眼睛跟踪头盔,在使用两种手势时,狗最成功地找到了一种治疗方法。 Using eye-tracking helmets on 20 dogs, the study showed that dogs were most successful in finding a treat when both gestures were used. 这表明,狗可能理解手势背后的含义,而不仅仅是遵循方向,尽管需要开展更多的研究来证实这一点。 This suggests dogs may understand the meaning behind gestures, not just follow directions, though more research is needed to confirm this.